What you need to know about South Carolina Realtor Relationships
Before you begin to work with a real estate licensee, it is important for you to know the difference between a broker-in-charge and associated licensees. The broker-in- charge is the person in charge of a real estate brokerage firm. Associated licensees may work only through a broker- in-charge. In other words, when you choose to work with any real estate licensee, your business relationship is legally with the brokerage firm and not with the associated licensee. A real estate brokerage firm and its associated licensees can provide buyers and sellers valuable real estate services, whether in the form of basic customer services, or through client-level agency representation. The services you can expect will depend upon the legal relationship you establish with the brokerage firm. It is important for you to discuss the following information with the real estate licensee and agree on whether in your business relationship you will be a customer or a client. CUSTOMERS South Carolina license law defines customers as buyers or sellers who choose NOT to establish an agency relationship. The law requires real estate licensees to perform the following basic duties when dealing with any real estate buyer or seller as customers. Customer service does not require a written agreement; therefore, you are not committed to the brokerage firm in any way unless a transaction broker agreement or compensation agreement obligates you otherwise. CLIENTS Clients receive more services than customers. If client status is offered by the real estate brokerage firm, you can become a client by entering into a written agency agreement requiring the brokerage firm and its associated licensees to act as an agent on your behalf and promote your best interests. If you choose to become a client, you
will be asked to confirm in your written representation agreement that you received this agency relationships disclosure document in a timely manner. A seller becomes a client of a real estate brokerage firm by signing a formal listing agreement with the brokerage firm. For a seller to become a client, this agreement must be in writing and must clearly establish the terms of the agreement and the obligations of both the seller and the brokerage firm which becomes the agent for the seller. A buyer becomes a client of a real estate brokerage firm by signing a formal buyer agency agreement with the brokerage firm. For a buyer to become a client, this agreement must be in writing and must clearly establish the terms of the agreement and the obligations of both the buyer and the brokerage firm which becomes the agent for the buyer. If you enter into a written agency agreement, as a client, the real estate brokerage has the following client-level duties: obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accounting, and reasonable skill and care. Client-level services also include advice, counsel and assistance in negotiations..
It’s Your Choice As a real estate consumer in South Carolina, it is your choice as to the type and nature of services you receive. • You can choose to remain a customer and represent yourself, with or without a transaction broker agreement. • You can choose to hire the brokerage firm for representation through a written agency agreement. • If represented by the brokerage firm, you can decide whether to go forward under the shared services of dual agency or designated agency or to remain in single agency.
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